Let your Self have a guiding word

What happens when you distill down your focus, intentions - dare we say, life in-the-moment - into one word?dsc08290With the release of our new Wordplay collection, we’ve been pondering this question here at our WP hub… and we’ve seen a quite interesting kind of internal motivation and connection within and among us as a result.

The wearable variety of guiding words isn’t new to us.  We use little talismans of sentiment on our jewelry as touchpoints on a variety of things that matter to us.

But just one word? Yes.



One that you can wear and touch, that reminds you of the life you are creating.  Yes (yes actually happens to be Patti’s favorite guiding word).  What is yours, right now?

Let’s find out. Be still.  You may already know your word (one will come to mind pretty quickly… don’t edit, just recognize).  You may have a word that if more of a life word (like Patti’s yes) or may need one to reflect and direct something you have going on right now (feeling stuck? Wanderlust helps… something like that!).dsc08399Or maybe you aren’t sure.  Just turn inward to listen to yourself: what words do you hear over and over?  Always a good place to start.  And here, a few more places to begin the journey toward the right wearable word (or words) for you:

What do I want to cultivate in my life?

What is my essence, in one word?

What quality describes an accomplishment?

What is my truth?

What affirms my beliefs?

What is a common theme in my life that I keep coming back to?

Words are memories, motivators, affirmations, and most importantly, portals to our deepest desires. The closer we get to ourselves, the truer the transformative effects of these little efforts, these little, very powerful, words.  What word if calling out to you now?dsc08280View the entire Wordplay collection here.


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