10 Tips for Anyone Who Wants Less Stress in Their Life

I love this Girl, she is one of my greatest teachers.  When I get stressed, I go to Georgia for a nuzzle, and answers.georgiaHere are her top 10 secrets for stress free living:

  1. Get off the computer. No screens.  Really, I mean it.
  2. Play, play, play. You think I’m kidding?
  3. Lay in a nice patch of sun. Even in a fur coat, it works. Let yourself feel GOOD.
  4. Practice achieving in your dream world. Why do you think I sleep so much?
  5. Focus on one thing. The ball.
  6. Understand that it is not about you. I am so not bothered by any of this.
  7. Be more loveable just by being you. Being touched by humans is VERY healing.
  8. Delight in simple things. When was the last time you begged for a treat? Enjoy it.
  9. Pay attention to the people you love.
  10. Live in the moment. I mean, right now. No worries.

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