Carry Your Memories Close, Wherever Life Takes You (in this case off to College)

As you embark on this newest chapter of your life (or perhaps, it’s your daughter, niece, granddaughter, or sister who is embarking on a journey) there is bound to be a little yearning for the creature comforts of home and the familiarity of your old room, mom’s home cooking and the hall way lined with family photos, your friends calling from the window and all the memories in between. At Waxing Poetic, these are the things that inspire us and drive us to create meaningful pieces that can be carried with you through out your entire life. Consider a reminder: the camp charm that reminds you of a pet at home, or a trophy in your room. Add an insignia of your bff, a talisman of courage to follow your dreams, be fearless and keep faith. Some inspiration for your college memory markers…
Gather gift ideas for taking memories of home with your (wherever you go)
Explore Charms and Pendants
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